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Help Is on the Way

De : Kountry Wayne, Mim Eichler Rivas, Cedric the Entertainer - foreword
Lu par : Kountry Wayne
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    Find your hustle without losing your soul. Comedic superstar and internet entrepreneur Kountry Wayne made it to the top with a little bit of faith, a lot of perseverance, and a fearless commitment to his own success. Now he’s here to help you do the same.

    Kountry Wayne is on a mission help you get to that next level. Success is possible no matter where you start from. Coming up as a poor Black man in a small-minded Georgia town, Wayne found few legit options to achieve his dreams. For many years he resorted to running his own game, but thankfully friends and family (and one patient probation officer) convinced him that he had the talent for a different kind of hustle. Once he took a leap of faith and began posting short sketches based on his on-the-nose Southern Black truths, wildly funny observations, and inspirational guidance, he became an almost overnight hit.

    Now he hopes to help others see that no matter where you started from or how stuck you feel right now, the possibilities for living a rich, full life are limitless. Help is on the way, with his unflinchingly honest, often outrageous, but always hopeful and hard-won lessons:

    • Sometimes All You Have Is Your Pride: Often the only person who can push you forward is you.

    • Live Your Truth: Don’t hide from where you came from, celebrate it—this is what makes you an original.

    • Don’t Get Mad, Get Money: Ignore the people who want to tear you down and provide for the ones you love.

    • Stay Up: Even when the worst thing happens, you have to find the strength to keep going.

    Whether you are simply looking for a laugh to boost your spirit or some real guidance to help you in life, love, or money, Kountry Wayne has got you covered.

    ©2023 Kountry Wayne and Mim Eichler Rivas (P)2023 Random House Audio


    “Something Wayne learned on his own, that I believe in strongly is that you have to build your career with love—as something you nourish. You birth it, you raise it, you treat it like a baby or a beloved pet that you care for unconditionally and that will care for you back.”—Cedric The Entertainer

    “Kountry Wayne's story of success as a person, a father, and an entrepreneur may seem miraculous but he shows his cards and shares rock solid lessons that we can all put to use.”—Antwone Fisher, author of Finding Fish, screenwriter, activist

    “My favorite lesson that Mr. Colley, father of ten kids, includes in this spiritual blueprint for turning dreams into reality is the one that teaches you to remember it's not so much what you do but who you do it for.”—Chris Gardner, author of Pursuit of Happyness and Start Where You Are

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