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Couverture de Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy

De : Bettany Hughes
Lu par : Bettany Hughes
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    Helen of Troy is one of the most evocative names in ancient history. For nearly three thousand years she has been both the embodiment of absolute female beauty and a reminder of the terrible power that it can wield. Held responsible for both the Trojan War and enduring the enmity between East and West, for millennia she has been viewed as an exquisite agent of extermination. But who was she really?

    Focusing on the 'real' Helen, bestselling historian Bettany Hughes reconstructs the true life for this elusive Green Bronze age princess and places her alongside the heroes and heroines of myth and history. Vivid and compelling, this remarkable audiobook brilliantly unpacks the facts and myths surrounding one of the most enigmatic and notorious figures of all time.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Bettany Hughes (P)2022 Orion Publishing Group Limited

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