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  • Heir of Embers and Ash

  • Claiming Elfhame, Book Two
  • De : J.M. Wallace
  • Lu par : Ali Dane
  • Durée : 9 h et 27 min

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Heir of Embers and Ash

De : J.M. Wallace
Lu par : Ali Dane
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    The second enchanting novel in the Claiming Elfhame fantasy trilogy whisks us into a new part of Fae territory as Kelera races to find the help she desperately needs.

    Uncontrollable magic. An ancient prophecy. A bounty on their heads.

    And a world succumbing to frost…

    Kelera’s power has been unleashed, but not without a cost. Now she finds herself guilt-ridden, terrified of her own magic, wanted for treason… and bound to Prince Adrastus.

    Determination continues to drive her and Adrastus as they venture into the Seelie Court, desperate to seek out an army strong enough to stand against Samael and his treacherous Unseelie forces.

    But she and Adrastus can’t outrun their enemies or fate for long.

    Samael is more determined than ever to claim Elfhame and the mortal realm for himself, and Kelera fears that without the fabled lost heir, the ancient Elder prophecy will soon come to fruition. Dangers are mounting and with the mortal traitor backing Samael, Kelera is resolved to get to her people before they, too, succumb to Samael’s plans.

    But her troubles worsen when she finds herself caught between the loyalty she feels toward the mortals and her deepening connection to Adrastus. With time running out, it will come down to a choice between heart and duty.

    Can Kelera find a way to save both her people and the man who risked everything for her, or will she be left with nothing but embers and ashes to tend to?

    Heir of Embers and Ash is a new adult novel with mature themes. Recommended for 18+
    Trigger Warnings include: graphic violence, language, intimacy, harassment, and death.

    ©2022 J.M. Wallace (P)2024 J.M. Wallace

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