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De : Addison Carmichael
Lu par : Valentina Ortiz
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“A captivating, exhilarating and emotionally gripping read that keeps readers glued to the pages!” (Stormy Vixen Says)

A Cinderella retelling with werewolves?

Nicole Gabrielle harbors a taboo secret that would expel her from the Bryant Wolf Pack....

Nicki is a half were-coyote from the notorious Juarez Coyote Pack.

No matter how hard she tries to fly under everyone’s radar, however, the charming High Alpha heir-apparent Jake Bryant pursues her with a royal vengeance, risking her exposure and the lives of her entire family.

* * *

Jake suspects that this beautiful, intriguing, brilliant new employee of theirs is not everything she claims, but can’t for the life of him figure out what it is.

Or why he can’t stop thinking of her, wanting to talk with her, be with her.

Or why she seems so incredibly familiar.

But now he is determined to find out, then do what he should have done from the very first.

“The Sons of the Alpha series just keeps getting better and better. Heir is by far the best one yet!” (The Avid Reader)

©2019 Carol Seaton (P)2020 Carol Seaton
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