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  • Hector, the Cat! Time Travels into the Sea

  • The Fourth Life of Hector, the Cat! (The Ten Lives of Hector, the Cat!)
  • De : Jane L King
  • Lu par : Grainne Noel
  • Durée : 59 min

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Couverture de Hector, the Cat! Time Travels into the Sea

Hector, the Cat! Time Travels into the Sea

De : Jane L King
Lu par : Grainne Noel
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    Hector is no ordinary cat. He is a time-traveling orange tabby who is risking his nine lives in adventures across the world, in the sea, and out in space! Hector risks the fourth of his nine lives in this series: The Ten Lives of Hector, The Cat!

    What you may not know is that cats have a special sense that allows them to travel through space and time completely unseen! With the help of a large dictionary, a little bit of sunshine, and a whole lot of sleeping, Hector explores new worlds in the past and in the future.

    For Hector's fourth life, Hector journeys to the Sargasso Sea in the Caribbean. His journey takes him to the magical underwater world of Catlantis. But, this time, Hector has a mission. To save the sea from plastic. Will his mission succeed? Can Hector, the Cat! save our seas?

    Join Hector on this amazing adventure. This series of books is perfect for all cat lovers ages 4-104. They make brilliant gifts, great bedtime stories, and are perfect children's books.

    ©2023 Jane Leslie King (P)2024 Jane Leslie King

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