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Couverture de Heavy Hitter

Heavy Hitter

De : Katie Cotugno
Lu par : Andrew Eiden, Callie Dalton
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    Taylor and Travis.
    Jennifer and A-Rod.
    Marilyn and Joe.

    When a professional athlete and a megawatt star fall in love, the world becomes obsessed...

    Now it's time to meet Lacey and Jimmy.

    With four chart-topping albums, Lacey Logan is a superstar whose life no longer feels like her own, her every move photographed, videoed and dissected. Lacey skilfully governs her narrative throughout it all, an expert at showing fans and paparazzi only exactly what she wants them to see. But when she discovers her boyfriend is hiding some devastating secrets, she begins to lose her confidence, and her control over her own story.

    Then big shouldered baseball player Jimmy Hodges walks into the bar where she's venting to a friend. With his shaggy beard and unfashionable button-down, Jimmy is the opposite of the picture-perfect guy Lacey thinks she wants. And yet she finds herself drawn to him. For the first time in her life, Lacey's doing things she wants to do, not what she thinks she should be doing.

    But following her desires comes with its own risks. Lacey and Jimmy are polar opposites, and starting a relationship with him could damage everything she's worked so hard for. So why can't she get him out her head?

    It's a LOVE STORY.

    ©2024 Katie Cotugno (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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