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Couverture de Heaven's Bell

Heaven's Bell

De : Sherrie Barch
Lu par : Liz Krane, Sherrie Barch
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    Ashley and Cody have one of those special, once-in-a-lifetime friendships that only the luckiest amongst us ever get to experience. From daily games of basketball in Ashley's driveway, to helping each other with homework, to sharing jokes that they know their friend will get, even when no one else does.

    They are the kind of friends, who never run out of things to share and talk about—even if they just saw each other five minutes ago. Middle school is tough, but with a friendship like theirs, they know they will get through it. Then, suddenly their world is thrown upside down when Cody becomes mysteriously ill. The normally tough as nails 11-year-old Ashley is suddenly forced to imagine what life would be like without her BFF.

    Heaven's Bell was written to create a safe space for families to have a conversation about death and dying in a natural and productive way, and one that creates feelings of joy, inspiration, and gratitude for life. And hopefully, through Ashley and Cody's respective eyes, it also creates an appreciation of what happens afterward - no matter what you believe that to be. Initially written for teens, this audiobook is meant to bring listeners of all ages comfort and hope, wrapped in a shell of smiles and entertainment! 

    ©2020 Sherrie Barch (P)2022 Sherrie Barch
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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