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Couverture de Heart of the Valley

Heart of the Valley

De : Cathryn Hein
Lu par : Alicia Banit
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    Brooke Kingston is smart, capable and strong-willed, and runs her family's property with dedication and skill. More at home on horseback than in heels, her life revolves around her beloved 'boys' – showjumpers Poddy, Oddy and Sod.

    Then a tragic accident leaves Brooke a mess. Newcomer Lachie Cambridge is hired to manage the farm, and Brooke finds herself out of a job and out of luck. But she won't go without a fight.

    What she doesn't expect is Lachie himself – a handsome, gentle giant with a will to match her own. But with every day that Lachie stays, Brooke's future on the farm becomes more uncertain.

    Will she be forced to choose between her home and the man she's falling for, or will the very things that brought them together tear them apart?

    ©2012 Cathryn Hein (P)2024 Bolinda Publishing
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    'I finished Heart of the Valley with a contented sigh for a story well told and a longing for a horse of my own. Cathryn Hein has joined my ever growing list of must read Australian women writers.' (Book’d Out)
    'The Heart of the Valley is quite a moving love story about passionate, strong characters who are vulnerable in their own ways. A lovely addition to the rural romance genre in Australia.' (The Australian Bookshelf)

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