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  • Healthy Eating Habits

  • A Guide to Tweaking and Balancing the Regular Diet (Healthy Eating Healthy Living, Book 2)
  • De : Dunstamac
  • Lu par : Vidya Amey
  • Durée : 46 min

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Healthy Eating Habits

De : Dunstamac
Lu par : Vidya Amey
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    Are you willing to live a better and happier life than you have in the past? Do you want to start a healthy eating routine in your life? 

    Then check out these "Healthy Eating Habits’’ that you are missing out on! 

    This book will help to boost your morale, raise your energy levels, clear your head, and enhance your overall well-being - all so you will begin enjoying a healthier eating lifestyle! 

    Our lives are full of routines that we follow every day, and these routines form who we are. This is why eating well is so crucial in your life. This book will teach you "Healthy Eating Habits’’ that can fully transform your life. You'll learn what these patterns are and why they are useful when incorporated into your life, as well as a step-by-step action plan that will teach you exactly how to put them into practice right away! It's time to drop some weight and appreciate food for what it is: a nutritious and necessary source of energy for your body. 

    ©2021 Duncan Stanley MacCallum (P)2021 Duncan Stanley MacCallum

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