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Couverture de Health Care Reform Now!

Health Care Reform Now!

De : George Halvorson
Lu par : John J. Nance
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    The United States spends far more money on health care than any other country, and yet nearly 50 million Americans are uninsured at least part of the time each year.

    Health Care Reform Now! is written for anyone who cares enough about our health-care situation to consider serious alternatives to the current system. In this book, George Halvorson - an internationally known health-care leader and author - offers a sensible approach to health-care reform and universal coverage that can work for all stakeholders.

    Step by step, Halvorson outlines a game plan to create a truly world-class health-care system that will appeal to policy makers on both ends of the political spectrum and will deliver health care with improved quality, better access, provider accountability, performance transparency, consumer choice, and individual empowerment.

    As readable as it is instructive, Health Care Reform Now! proposes a practical model that solves the unsolvable by identifying specific areas where health care performance improvement can create better outcomes, better choices, and far better use of the health-care dollar.

    Halvorson also explains why "reform" itself needs to be a "product" rather than just a concept. He explains why quick action is essential and how using the right tools - with a focus on real costs and the use of real data and better caregiver support systems - can make universal coverage easy to administer, efficient, affordable, and "free" in three years, compared with what the total cost of care would be without universal coverage.

    ©2008 George Halvorson (P)2008 Brilliance Audio, Inc.


    "George Halvorson convincingly argues that the United States finally has what it needs to make universal coverage a reality and lays out a plan to get us there." (Congressman Pete Stark, D-CA,chairman, Ways and Means Health Subcommittee)
    "This is a very readable book on the current status of reform possibilities facing the US health care system." (Journal of the American Medical Association)

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