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Couverture de Healing Relational Trauma Workbook

Healing Relational Trauma Workbook

De : Daniel A. Hughes, Kim S. Golding
Lu par : Dina Pearlman
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    A resource for practitioners implementing attachment-focused treatment for young people.

    Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) is an attachment-focused treatment for children and adolescents who have experienced abuse and neglect and are now living in stable foster and adoptive families. Here, Daniel Hughes and Kim S. Golding provide a practical accompaniment to their highly successful DDP text coauthored with Julie Hudson, Healing Relational Trauma with Attachment-Focused Interventions.

    In this book, practitioners are invited to reflect on their experience of implementing the DDP model through discussion, examples, and reflection prompts. Listeners are encouraged to consider the diversity of both practitioners and those receiving DDP interventions, and how each unique individual's identity can be embraced within the application of DDP interventions. DDP can be practiced as a therapy, a parenting approach, and as a practice approach for those working within healthcare, social care, or education, and this book is an invaluable resource for listeners who fall into any one of these roles.

    ©2024 Daniel A. Hughes and Kim S. Golding (P)2024 Tantor

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