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Couverture de Healing Childhood Trauma

Healing Childhood Trauma

De : Jane Fendelman
Lu par : Jane Fendelman
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    A transformational journey that will completely heal any childhood trauma including physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse. "Your childhood trauma will plague your adult life and block the love that you deserve," says Jane. This brief therapy for childhood abuse has been taught and utilized by the doctors and psychiatrists at Charter Hospital in Scottsdale, AZ and for Critical Incident Debriefing by Phoenix Police and Fire Departments.

    In this recording, Jane gives an explanation of the healing cycle, including a personal account of her own journey into self-discovery and ultimate healing. Her soothing voice guides listeners through the complete healing process and to the gifts it will bring. With just one listening parts your life will be healed and transformed, but you will want to hear it again and again!

    Chapter 1 (7:24) “Collecting Yourself” Visualization

    Chapter 2 (15:39) Explanation of the Healing Process

    Chapter 3 (12:05) Guided Visualization for Healing Trauma

    Chapter 4 (12:38) The Steps to Receive Your Gifts

    ©2006 Jane Fendelman (P)2006 Jane Fendelman

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