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  • Healing Anxious Attachment

  • Transform Clinginess Into Confidence and Experience the Joy of Secure Attachment in Your Relationships (Relationship Wellness)
  • De : Edgar Wise
  • Lu par : Mike Luoma
  • Durée : 4 h et 3 min

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Healing Anxious Attachment

De : Edgar Wise
Lu par : Mike Luoma
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    Do you crave deep, secure connections but struggle with anxiety and insecurity in your relationships? Perhaps you find yourself constantly seeking reassurance, fearing abandonment, or preoccupied with your partner's every move. If this resonates with you, you might have an anxious attachment style.

    Healing Anxious Attachment will help you move beyond simply knowing about attachment styles.

    This empowering resource will equip you with…

    • A clear understanding of attachment theory: Explore how your early childhood experiences shaped your attachment style and how it continues to impact your present relationships.
    • In-depth exploration of anxious attachment: Learn to identify the specific characteristics that define anxious attachment, gaining valuable insights into your own patterns of behavior.
    • Proven techniques for healing: Master the tools to overcome negative thought patterns and emotional responses that fuel anxiety.
    • Essential communication and conflict resolution skills: Develop the tools you need to build stronger and healthier relationships.
    • Self-care strategies for lasting progress: Obtain the resources to maintain positive changes.

    With a wealth of exercises and lessons, this book will help you…

    • Identify your unique anxious attachment traits: Through guided exercises, understand how anxious attachment manifests in your life.
    • Break free from negative patterns: Learn to challenge limiting beliefs and develop healthier coping mechanisms for emotional distress.
    • Cultivate a secure attachment style: Foster the capacity for trust, intimacy, and healthy independence in your relationships.

    Forget the therapist's couch! All you need is a book, a personal journal, and a willingness to embark on a transformative healing journey. Download your copy now.

    ©2024 Edgar Wise (P)2024 Edgar Wise

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