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Couverture de He Wasn't Good Enough for Me 2

He Wasn't Good Enough for Me 2

De : Jenay Balderas
Lu par : Yvette Walker
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    Liars, cheaters, deceivers, and heartbreakers shall never prosper. After all of the secrets are put out onto the table, how will this group of frenemies cope? We all know that there is no escaping the consequences of our actions. For every action, there is a direct reaction. Watch as Karma takes this whole crew on a ride to remember. Jazelle, Karli, Eric, Antonio and Donte showed us all that they were not to be trusted. Will any of them redeem themselves? Will anyone find love? Does Karli die? Will Eric remain in jail?

    Emily learns that all things done in the dark soon makes it way to the light. The secret that she has been hiding from her husband, Javier, trumps his infidelity with Karli in his eyes. What happens when Javier feels betrayed by Emily especially now that he holds her life in the palm of his hands.

    Mya has fought mental issues ever since she was a child. Those issues followed her into adulthood. She was able to control her mental illness with medication but finding out about Donte Karli and Jazelle forces her over the edge. She knows no understanding when it comes to her husband, and she will do whatever she has to do to make sure that no one else can have him.

    Follow this crew as they get their lives together, learn to cope with the loss of their friends and loved ones, and find a love that they have never known. They will soon find out why everyone in their pasts just wasn’t good enough for them.

    ©2019 Dyniqua Jenay Balderas (P)2021 Dyniqua Jenay Balderas

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