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Couverture de Having It All

Having It All

De : Emily Bunney
Lu par : Jeremy Bartelt
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    Returning from France after working away, Lana Landon takes a spare room in her big brother Matt's new house. Only problem is he's a super-protective hockey player for the Seattle Whalers. She's come home with a business plan and a broken heart, but there's something more sinister lurking in the dark.

    Alex “Thor” Bergman is the Whalers' huge goalie and is the last of his four brothers to settle down. No matter how hard he tries, he only seems to attract gold-digging puck bunnies who are after his big ... stick.

    Can the Swedish giant find true love with a woman who makes the best grilled cheese sandwich he's ever tasted, but who's completely off limits?

    Listener Advisory: this book deals with emotional abuse, physical assault, controlling and stalking behavior. As with all the Whalers books, there is plenty of fun, sexy times and banter, but please be aware if these issues are triggers for you and proceed with caution.

    ©2022 Emily Bunney (P)2022 Emily Bunney

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