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Couverture de Hate Hex

Hate Hex

De : Gina LaManna
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    Trixie Gardens is one average witch, thank you very much.

    A down-on-her-luck taxi driver in the paranormal section of New York, Trixie has spent a lifetime repressing her magic. Until one night, she meets a grumpy, devilishly handsome vampire in a dark alley, and she accidentally activates her powers by shooting the cork from a cheap cabernet bottle at his face.

    It turns out the vampire is none other than Dominic Kent—the stormy, rough-around-the-edges billionaire who owns Trixie’s apartment building. When she discovers Dominic is trying to kick her out of the only place she’s ever called home (and did she mention rent-controlled?), it’s hate at first sight.

    After Trixie puts a teeny tiny hex on her new nemesis, Dom retaliates in a big way. It’s all clever enchantments and witty curses, until Dominic’s brother suddenly returns, hellbent on revenge. When things turn deadly, Dominic and Trixie must bond together to survive.

    As Dom and Trixie fight to stay alive, they try to ignore the electricity crackling between them that’s got nothing to do with magic. However, before she knows it, Trixie finds herself wondering why the line between hate and love feels like it’s so thin it might have vanished entirely…

    ©2024 Gina LaManna (P)2024 Dreamscape Media
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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