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Couverture de Harry Versus the First 100 Days of School

Harry Versus the First 100 Days of School

De : Emily Jenkins
Lu par : Rebecca Soler
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    An acclaimed author brings us a funny, warm, and utterly winning chapter book that follows, day by day, the first hundred days in one first-grader's classroom.

    In just 100 days, Harry will learn how to overcome first-day jitters, what a "family circle" is, why guinea pigs aren't scary after all, what a silent "e" is about, how to count to 100 in tons of different ways, and much more. He'll make great friends, celebrate lots of holidays, and learn how to use his words. In other words, he will become an expert first-grader.

    Made up of 100 short chapters, this is a chapter book all first-graders will relate to - one that captures all the joys and sorrows of the first hundred days of school.

    "Funny, original, and completely captivating." (R. J. Palacio, best-selling author of Wonder)

    ©2021 Emily Jenkins (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "[A] realistic, comical, heartwarming journey." (Kirkus Reviews, starred review)

    “Infused with the author’s characteristic, multileveled tongue-in-cheek humor and even some satiric tweaks.” (Booklist, starred review)

    "Jenkins deftly penetrates the natural anxieties of childhood - the phobias, the insecurities, the self-doubts - without playing them down." (The New York Times Book Review)

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