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  • Harmony Island Gazette

  • Sweet Tea and a Southern Gentleman, Book 5
  • De : Anne-Marie Meyer
  • Lu par : Liz Krane
  • Durée : 8 h et 1 min

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Harmony Island Gazette

De : Anne-Marie Meyer
Lu par : Liz Krane
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    In this story, Kevin may be the villain, but I am the monster. In the end, I don’t get the happily ever after. In the end, I don’t get the girl.


    I’m pregnant and I don’t know what to do. I can’t tell my parents. Kevin never wanted a baby. The only person who knows is Boone, and he swore he wouldn’t tell anyone and even though I’ve just met him, I believe he’ll keep my secret. Morning sickness is no joke, so when Mom mentions needing to go out of town to help her sister, and I encourage my parents to go. With them gone, I won’t live in fear that they will discover what I’m trying to keep hidden. Now it’s Boone and I.

    At first, I vow to keep to myself. But situations occur and suddenly, we’re thrown together. I thought I knew how a husband was supposed to treat his wife, but Boone is contradicting those thoughts. But, when I discover that he’s connected to my ex, all the trust I had for him crumbles away. I’m not meant for a happily ever after and my knight in shining armor? He doesn’t exist.


    I can’t shake the mystery man’s words. I know I should ignore what he said.

    Chalk it up to a crazy person spouting crazy things, but my spidey senses are tingling and I can’t help but think there’s trouble in Proctor paradise. If only Asher could see what I see. He’s too excited to land them as clients for his up-and-coming real estate company to question what’s behind the curtain. And when he asks me to let it go and just be happy for him, I try…

    Until I can’t ignore my suspicions any longer. The Proctors may rule this town, but they don’t control me. I’ll discover their secrets and when I do, I just hope my best friend isn’t in the line of fire when I go to take the whole Proctor dynasty down. This story is told through 3 different points of view. Juniper, Boone, and Ella. It's a story of romance and friendships between women. The Harmony Island Gazette is chock full of romance with a protective hero. Please check the warnings before listening.

    ©2024 Anne-Marie Meyer (P)2024 Anne-Marie Meyer

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