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  • Hard Stuff, Easy Life

  • 7 Mindset Principles for Success, Strength and Happiness
  • De : Jay Alderton
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Hard Stuff, Easy Life

De : Jay Alderton
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Are you tired of mediocrity?

    Do comfort zones and convenience rule your world?

    Do you crave a life that radiates success?

    Hard Stuff, Easy Life is the revolutionary new guide that will transform your life, starting from the neck up. Combining inspiring life lessons with accessible advice, ex-British Army solider and champion bodybuilder, Jay Alderton reveals the game-changing truth that’s been hiding in plain sight: the secret to an easy life is conquering the hard stuff.

    Jay shows us how to navigate the Hurdles that stand in our way, take bold Action whilst sidestepping avoidance, craft resilient Reactions, and finally, make game-changing Decisions.

    Using seven key mindset principles, this book will equip you with the tools to overcome any obstacle, tap into your inner strength, and carve out a life that’s simply extraordinary. Making peace with your past, loving yourself and recognising the power of the mind to dictate reality are just a few of the core teachings Jay shares to energise and inspire you on your journey towards total transformation.

    Whether you're aiming to conquer personal mountains, skyrocket your career, or ignite the flames of passion in your relationships, this book is your compass, guiding you toward an easy life of fulfilment, abundance, and jaw-dropping achievements.

    Hard Stuff, Easy Life is a total revolution – challenging you to think bigger, reach higher, and engage your limitless potential all by simply shifting your mindset. It’s time to go from “hard” to “hero” and turn your dreams into reality - starting now.

    ©2024 Jay Alderton (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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