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Hard Asks Made Easy

De : Laura Fredricks
Lu par : Laura Fredricks JD
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    The things you really want in life are often the most difficult to ask for. Best-selling author and speaker, ASK expert Laura Fredricks knows that, and she knows how to ask anyone for anything with comfort, confidence, and ease.

    After raising more than $1 billion for nonprofits, businesses, and individuals, Fredricks has developed an approach that works for anyone making a hard ask like:*Asking for money *Asking for love *Asking for help *Asking for forgiveness *Asking for forgiveness *Asking for Spirituality. These are just a few of the Asks Fredricks will show you how to navigate, using her "5 Laws on Asking" and her never-fail simple and highly successful "ASK formula." She’ll also help you identify which type of asker you are and show you the advantages, challenges, and refinements with each type so that you can perfect your own asking style.

    With a successful background in law and philanthropy--careers known for making the toughest and biggest asks, Fredricks has earned her reputation as the ASK Expert, the go-to person businesses and individuals turn to for guidance. Hard Asks Made Easy is a must for anyone, at any age including teenagers, who wants to ask and get exactly what they need and deserve.

    ©2023 Laura Fredricks, JD (P)2024 Laura Fredricks, JD

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