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  • Happy Teacher Revolution

  • The Educator's Roadmap to Claiming and Sustaining Joy
  • De : Danna Thomas
  • Lu par : Danna Thomas
  • Durée : 6 h et 23 min

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Couverture de Happy Teacher Revolution

Happy Teacher Revolution

De : Danna Thomas
Lu par : Danna Thomas
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    Happy Teacher Revolution helps educators address burnout and jumpstart their own practices to claim joy. Using the latest developments in neuroscience and her experience as a teacher, author Danna Thomas introduces you to self-care practices that help you prioritize your wellbeing while handling the difficulties of a demanding profession. This research and evidence-based handbook amplifies the voices of a wide range of changemakers, providing data and deliberate action steps to support well-being on both an individual and systemic level in order to enact transformational change. Realize increased self-worth and learn to decrease prolonged stress by pushing back on expectations of time, money, and emotional capacity.

    You will:

    - Access tools and videos that explore caregiver burnout, vicarious trauma, and the importance of self-care in the field of education

    - Understand why it's essential to claim happiness as your own "best practice" to help students

    - Discover practical techniques for identifying your limits and authentically setting boundaries

    - Learn to support peers in your community and work together to address the social-emotional and intellectual demands of teaching

    ©2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2024 Tantor

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