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Couverture de Happy & Gluten-Free: Lifestyle Guide

Happy & Gluten-Free: Lifestyle Guide

De : William Lee, Anne Peterson
Lu par : Birgitta Bernhard
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    A simple, practical guide to living a happy, gluten-free lifestyle. This book is a modern approach combined with effective, ancient Chinese qigong, a solution for gluten intolerance that will help you from the inside out!

    This practical guide contains what is probably the most unique approach to gluten intolerance you will see, due to a very special coauthorship. Sifu William Lee's best-selling Amazon titles are assisting and healing thousands of people - this book will do the same. Anne Peterson, on another hand, has the biggest qualification ever - being a mother of two children with developed gluten intolerance. Combined with her expertise in vegan and health food, this makes her a real-life expert on the topics.

    Being a combined effort, this book is not meant for people looking for theories or statistics. It is loaded with very practical and effective solutions, information, and tips: This book is created out of a need.

    A combined effort:

    Having two children with developed gluten intolerance has forced Anne Peterson and her family down a path of many tribulations; experimenting and searching for the best ways to live on a gluten-free diet has become Anne's life mission. As a passionate proponent of living a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy (vegan) diet, she probably has a great advantage over someone without her experience. Nevertheless, new horizons of living with and healing gluten intolerance opened as soon she came in contact with Sifu William Lee's books and teachings.

    Healing from the inside out:

    Most people still consider the practices of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to be complicated. But if you take a look at any of the books written by Sifu Lee, you will realize the truth is very different.

    ©2015 Power of One (P)2015 Power of One

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