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  • Hands off My Billionaire

  • The California Billionaires Series, Book 1
  • De : Nikki Larson
  • Lu par : Liz Lovegood
  • Durée : 4 h et 1 min

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Hands off My Billionaire

De : Nikki Larson
Lu par : Liz Lovegood
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    She is an entertainment reporter assigned to dig up his dirt. He is a disillusioned billionaire with a secret. Surely, love can't blossom in a situation like this.

    Isabella Jacobs works with disadvantaged children, but that is just her volunteer job. For her paying job, she is a journalist with the notorious TBZ - The Buzz Zone media outlet. She plans to work there just long enough to make money to help the children, and then she is quitting.

    Asher Ramsey is the owner of the world renowned Treviare Resort and Spa, situated on the edge of a picturesque cliff with a stunningly beautiful beach below. He was born into wealth, but he is tired of being used by everyone. There's got to be more to his life than this.

    When Isabella’s supervisor, Brianna Knight, gives her yet another troubling assignment, Isabella’s not sure she can take it. And the closer Isabella gets to Asher, the more she is confused. He is definitely hiding something, and it is not insignificant. Can Isabella get him to reveal his well-guarded secret? Or will he deftly slip out of her reach?

    This is a sweet Christian romance by Nikki Larson, who glorifies God by weaving biblical truth into pause-resisting fiction.

    ©2019 Andrea Ludwig (P)2019 Andrea Ludwig

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