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Couverture de Hancock’s Half Hour: A Visit to Swansea

Hancock’s Half Hour: A Visit to Swansea

De : Ray Galton, Alan Simpson
Lu par : Tony Hancock, Harry Secombe, Sidney James, Steve Punt, Bill Kerr, Andrée Melly
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    A long-lost episode of Hancock’s Half Hour, featuring Harry Secombe – plus bonus material

    Rediscovered and restored by radio enthusiasts, The Radio Circle, it was first broadcast on the BBC Light Programme on the 10th May 1955, just two days before Tony Hancock’s 31st birthday.

    Tony Hancock had taken an unscheduled trip to Italy, leaving Hancock Half Hour’s producer to ask Harry Secombe to step in to star for the first three episodes of the second series. The fourth episode saw Tony return, and begrudgingly make ‘A Visit To Swansea’, to thank Harry Secombe for stepping in. Although the first two minutes are sadly missing, the remainder of the show, long searched for, is gloriously restored.

    Also included is an interview with Harry Secombe’s son, Andy Secombe, in which Andy reminisces about Tony Hancock, his relationship with Harry Secombe, and tells the background story about how Harry Secombe filled in for Tony Hancock.

    Steve Punt then presents a documentary programme about The Lad Himself, who grew up in Bournemouth: Tony Hancock: From Bournemouth to East Cheam.

    Thanks to Tessa Le Bars, Martin Gibbons, Keith Wickham, Richard Harrison, the Radio Circle and the Tony Hancock Appreciation Society.

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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