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  • Half Serious Half Not!

  • How and Why Humor Brings Successful Business and Life
  • De : Jean-Marc Toledano
  • Lu par : Bobby Oller
  • Durée : 3 h et 52 min

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Half Serious Half Not!

De : Jean-Marc Toledano
Lu par : Bobby Oller
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    You don't have to be funny to be funny. It's true! While the general idea is that humor is inherent, Jean-Marc Toledano would beg to differ. Explore the science of laughter and the reason behind it with Half Serious Half Not, in which Jean-Marc discusses the topic in great detail and brings you the secret to being funny. The theme of the book is humor: what it is, the techniques, and how you too can be funny!

    If you are looking to lighten the mood in your daily life with humor, Half Serious Half Not will lead you in the right direction. In Jean-Marc's audiobook, he provides you with the knowledge and tools necessary to structure your own jokes. Jean-Marc believes in the power of humor and that anything can be achieved with a little joke, whether it is a personal or professional relationship or to make a presentation more engaging. Humor is the trick to putting anyone at ease. As Jean-Marc Toledano once said, "The possibility of humor is endless. Again, we don't need to be as good as Seinfeld, but a simple smile or a laugh will open a door."

    Jean-Marc also suggests that people stop criticizing each other and instead use humor as a tool to provide their message without hurting the other person's ego. Our world would be a better place if we made space for more humor. In a world where people tell you to take things seriously, he suggests you take it lightly. When you have a tedious obligation, you can either take the hard stressful way, or you can add some humor to make the process more enjoyable for you and everyone around you. So if you want to make your life a little easier, learn the art of being humorous with Jean-Marc as he takes you on a step-by-step journey to being funny.

    ©2023 Jean-Marc Toledano (P)2023 Jean-Marc Toledano

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