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Couverture de Haitian Revolution: A Captivating Guide to the Abolition of Slavery

Haitian Revolution: A Captivating Guide to the Abolition of Slavery

De : Captivating History
Lu par : Duke Holm
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    Explore How the Slaves Freed Themselves in the Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution was a slave rebellion that began in 1791 in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, now known as Haiti. On this small island, the tyrants were the slave owners, people who not only denied their slaves freedom, but felt justified in killing them.

    The Haitian Revolution began to change the way slaves were viewed all over the world. Although it took nearly another 100 years to eradicate slavery in the west, the parallels between what the Americans and French had done to the slaves was impossible to ignore. The Haitian Revolution was the first and only time that a slave rebellion resulted in a new state.

    Some of the topics covered in this audiobook include:

    • The wealth from Saint-Domingue
    • Beginning of the end of the French Colony
    • Planning of one of the most historic revolutions in history
    • The Revolution begins
    • The Revolution spreads
    • Ripples of events in Europe
    • The abolishment of slavery and the British response
    • Toussaint Louverture's rise to power
    • The defeat of Britain and a newfound respect
    • Napoleon's rise and its initial effect on Saint-Domingue
    • The end of the Revolution
    • Lasting effects - beyond the Island
    • Haiti today
    • And more!

    Listen to this audiobook now to learn more about the Haitian Revolution.

    ©2017 Captivating History (P)2017 Captivating History
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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