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  • Hacking Reality: Upgrade Your Life from the Inside Out

  • De : Rob Nelson
  • Lu par : Rob Nelson
  • Durée : 7 h et 44 min

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Hacking Reality: Upgrade Your Life from the Inside Out

De : Rob Nelson
Lu par : Rob Nelson
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    What do you really want out of life?

    This audiobook holds the key to changing your reality in ways you never dreamed possible.

    • Do you sabotage relationships, financial success, or your health?
    • Does negative self-talk keep you feeling unlovable and unworthy?
    • Do the same kind of awful people or situations keep showing up in your life?
    • Does your life lack meaning and joy?

    Find out how an accidental discovery called EFT "tapping" can set you free, even if you've been struggling for years and nothing has ever really worked. And learn how to hack into your own "operating system" and reprogram your subconscious mind with Matrix Reimprinting.

    In a humorous, conversational style, Rob Nelson shares the empowering tools, mindsets, and cutting-edge science to transform your life in ways you might not have believed possible.

    Hacking Reality is a treasure trove for healing arts practitioners but valuable for anyone seeking personal transformation and healing. Rob is your friendly guide to the amazing realm of quantum healing, laying the foundation to address:

    • Financial prosperity
    • Health issues like cancer and autoimmune problems
    • Weight loss without dieting
    • Resolving trauma and PTSD
    • Healthy relationships
    • Procrastination
    • Surrogate healing for loved ones
    • Eliminating stress and anxiety
    • Opening up to meaning and joy in life

    Learn how to tweak your subconscious operating system for success on all levels, and hack into your limbic brain to discharge stuck emotions like shame, guilt, anger, and grief. Stop being hijacked by the drama and trauma of the past. This audiobook will help you step into a more wonderful, authentic new reality.

    Rob Nelson has helped hundreds of clients and students, from all walks of life, experience rapid and profound transformations.

    ©2019 Rob Nelson (P)2021 Rob Nelson

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