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  • Hacking Artificial Intelligence

  • A Leader's Guide from Deepfakes to Breaking Deep Learning
  • De : Davey Gibian
  • Lu par : Tom Parks
  • Durée : 5 h et 27 min

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Hacking Artificial Intelligence

De : Davey Gibian
Lu par : Tom Parks
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    We are accelerating towards the automated future. But this new future brings new risks. It is no surprise that after years of development and recent breakthroughs, artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming businesses, consumer electronics, and the national security landscape. But like all digital technologies, AI can fail and be left vulnerable to hacking. The ability to hack AI and the technology industry's lack of effort to secure it is thought by experts to be the biggest unaddressed technology issue of our time. Hacking Artificial Intelligence sheds light on these hacking risks, explaining them to those who can make a difference.

    Today, very few people—including those in influential business and government positions—are aware of the new risks that accompany automated systems. While society hurdles ahead with AI, we are also rushing towards a security and safety nightmare. This book is the first-ever layman's guide to the new world of hacking AI and introduces the field to thousands of people who should be aware of these risks. From a security perspective, AI is today where the internet was thirty years ago. It is wide open and can be exploited. Listeners from leaders to AI enthusiasts and practitioners alike are shown how AI hacking is a real risk to organizations and are provided with a framework to assess such risks, before problems arise.

    ©2022 Davey Gibian (P)2022 Ascent Audio

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