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  • HMP Manchester Prison Officer, Part 3

  • I Survived Terrorists, Murderers, Rapists and Freemason Officer Attacks in Strangeways and Wormwood Scrubs (UK Prison Officer)
  • De : John Sutton
  • Lu par : Alan Turton
  • Durée : 6 h et 48 min

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Couverture de HMP Manchester Prison Officer, Part 3

HMP Manchester Prison Officer, Part 3

De : John Sutton
Lu par : Alan Turton
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    Drugs. Riots. Shanks. Dirty Protests. Violent Freemason guards. Self-mutilation and suicides. Welcome to the brutal truth about life as a prison officer.

    With a career spanning 10 years inside the walls of Britain's most infamous prisons – Manchester’s Strangeways and London’s Wormwood Scrubs – John Sutton has experienced it all. Attacked by The Soho Vampire an insane killer, assaulted by The Cambridge Rapist, threatened by The IRA, beaten, persecuted and prosecuted by Freemason officers, John Sutton survived to reveal the hard-hitting truth in this jaw-dropping memoir.

    If you have ever wondered what a career in The Prison Service is really like then this searingly honest account will take you onto the landings housing Britain's most dangerous prisoners. Accompany John as he carries the keys that lock up murderers, rapists, gangsters, paedophiles, terrorists, addicts and the mentally ill. As well as the ever-present threat from the inmates, John had to endure a conspiracy of violence from his own colleagues who were Freemasons – nothing can be more dangerous in prison than the staff not having your back!

    Horrifying, harrowing and humorous, John’s book will take you on an unforgettable journey into a netherworld of drugs, violence and hostile Freemasons.

    ©2024 John Sutton (P)2024 Gadfly Press


    “Shocking, darkly hilarious and eye-opening. The treacherous attacks from Freemason prison officers were terrifying.” – Shaun Attwood, true crime author/YouTuber

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