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Couverture de HBCU


De : Marybeth Gasman, Levon T. Esters
Lu par : Karen Chilton
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    Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) play a pivotal role in promoting social and economic mobility for African Americans and in mentoring the next generation of Black leaders. In HBCU, Marybeth Gasman and Levon T. Esters explore the remarkable impact and contributions of these significant institutions.

    Through inspiring personal stories and extensive research, Gasman and Esters showcase how HBCUs have mentored generations of leaders and scholars, fostering a collaborative culture of success and empowerment. These schools shape and propel Black students into leadership and intellectual roles where they have a major influence on medicine, literature, law, higher education, art, sports, and business. HBCUs also have a profound effect on local communities and economic development that extends far beyond the classroom. This book sheds light on the unique cultures and identities nurtured within HBCUs while emphasizing the importance of philanthropic support and alumni engagement in maintaining these important institutions.

    Despite their positive contributions to society, HBCUs face specific challenges like securing adequate funding and support, small endowments, and accreditation.

    Gasman and Esters sound a compelling call to action and outline practical steps for sustaining HBCUs’ invaluable legacy.

    ©2024 Johns Hopkins University Press (P)2024 Recorded Books

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