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Couverture de Gulliver's Ghost

Gulliver's Ghost

De : G. R. Daniels
Lu par : G. R. Daniels
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Gulliver's Ghost is a thrilling modern-day murder mystery wrapped around the ghost of a 17th century pirate and a Caribbean island family with eternal life. Cut-throat Gulliver murdered and pillaged through Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy until his witchly wife Emerald gutted him in 1720. For 300 years, Gulliver's ghost has guarded his treasure cache in the Canadian province. Now, a trio of American treasure hunters sets out to find and take Gulliver's plunder. If they succeed, Gulliver will be Hell-bent to return to the Caribbean to take his awful revenge against Emerald and her family.

    RCMP Inspector Matt Lasalle investigates the brutal deaths of two of the treasure hunters while racing to save the life of the third. But what can he do when his key suspects include a man with no memory and supernatural beings with no boundaries?

    The first of two audiobooks featuring Matt Lasalle of the Mounties and Pirate Cut-throat Gulliver (a real-life pirate) written and narrated by G. R. Daniels. Enjoy Gulliver's Ghost and its sequel, Gulliver's Ghost-Revenge.

    ©2020 Gary Ralph (P)2021 Gary Ralph

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