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  • Guided Meditations for Manifesting Ultimate 3-in-1

  • Law of Attraction Hypnosis, Daily Affirmations, & Binaural Beats Unleash Your Full Potential, Attract Abundance, & Create the Life of Your Dreams
  • De : Aria Blackstone
  • Lu par : Francesca Harrall
  • Durée : 11 h et 43 min

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Guided Meditations for Manifesting Ultimate 3-in-1

De : Aria Blackstone
Lu par : Francesca Harrall
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    Are you tired of watching others achieve their dreams while you remain stuck, wondering if it's your turn next?

    This transformative collection of guided meditations is your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of manifesting. By fine-tuning your mental, emotional, and spiritual frequencies, you'll tap into the universal law of attraction, turning the life you dream of into the life you live.

    Inside, you'll experience:

    Profound Guided Meditations that effectively target and dissolve the blocks that hinder your progress towards abundance.

    Empowering 10-Minute Affirmations, designed to rapidly realign your mindset towards success and prosperity, available for instant use whenever and wherever you need a boost.

    Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Soundscapes, ideal for enhancing your meditation, aiding deep sleep, or empowering your visualization practices, crafted with relaxing, high-quality tones.

    With this unique method, prepare to:

    • Break the bounds of your imagination with creative visualization exercises that allow you to envisage and manifest a life of limitless abundance
    • Identify and release deep-rooted negative beliefs you may not even be aware of, so that you unlock your full potential and open the doors to abundance
    • Move from passivity to purpose with strategies that motivate inspired, decisive action
    • Shift from a reactive to a proactive life stance, embracing a co-creative relationship with the universe to consciously shape your reality
    • Achieve crystal clear clarity on your life goals and desires, with focused guidance to set a definitive path towards manifesting your dreams

    And much more.

    Your destiny isn't just calling—it's beckoning you to rise and claim the life you are meant to live. Don't wait another moment. Embrace your power, transform your life, and manifest your dreams—starting today.

    ©2024 Blackstone Publications (P)2024 Blackstone Publications

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