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  • Guided Journaling Prompts

  • For Self-Discovery, Reflection, and Enlightenment
  • De : Layla Amin
  • Lu par : Adrienne Lynch
  • Durée : 20 min

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Guided Journaling Prompts

De : Layla Amin
Lu par : Adrienne Lynch
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    Do you want to write and feel good?

    Are you looking to get into journaling yet would like some guidance?

    Do you frequently come across “writer’s block” when trying to journal?

    Are you on your path of healing and looking for ways to release and express yourself through writing?

    Are you looking to effectively journal better, using self-discovery prompts?

    Are you looking to dig just a little deeper when it comes to releasing and expressing yourself?

    Are you looking to tap into the best version of yourself through writing and journaling?

    Then keep reading....

    Now, what if there was a way to reveal what is already inside of you and get your words flowing easily and naturally? Well, I’m here to tell you that there is! These guided journaling prompts are designed to help you do just that.

    Here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

    • Gain clarity on areas in your life where you may feel stuck
    • Tap into a healthy outlet to release all of those stored emotions you have stirring inside of you
    • Reconnect with the real you and explore difficult emotions
    • Remove mental and emotional barriers by releasing your own thoughts
    • Increase your self-reflection and self-awareness and therefore change your perspective on life

    Plus, making journaling a regular practice will boost your overall mood!

    So even if you’re never even attempted to journal in your life, you will be so glad you did once you give these prompts a try. Get ready for some real transformations!

    To kick-start your growth journey today, scroll up, and click “buy now".

    ©2022 Layla Amin (P)2022 Layla Amin

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