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  • Guided Chakra Meditations

  • Heal Yourself Through Meditation, Awareness, and Yoga, by Using the Power of the Energetic and Healing Properties of Chakras, Crystals and Essential Oils
  • De : Olivia Stones
  • Lu par : Katheryn Siggers
  • Durée : 6 h et 38 min

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Guided Chakra Meditations

De : Olivia Stones
Lu par : Katheryn Siggers
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    Learn how to heal your body and mind easily with chakra meditation!

    Would you like to know....

    • What is chakra meditation?
    • How do you know if your chakras are blocked?
    • Can we do chakra meditation daily?

    If so, then keep reading: It's time to learn more about chakras healing meditation!

    Chakra healing is an ancient healing technique that has been around for thousands of years. It is also referred to as "energy medicine" or "energy therapy". It originated in India, but now it's successfully used all over the world because it's so easy and so effective. The intent of chakra healing is to realign and replenish the energy of the chakras within the human body. It will put you in a state of relaxation, followed by emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. With this technique, you can reduce chronic pain, boost your mental health, rebalance your hormones, and literally get the body to heal itself. You will be stronger, healthier, and happier.

    Does this sound complicated? No, if you follow the instructions given in this book.

    This book will answer all of your questions and will help you know and understand the power of chakra energy that lies within each and every person.

    By listening to this book, you will:

    • Discover the numerous benefits of chakra meditations
    • Practice a variety of meditations for each of your seven chakras
    • Learn the best beginner-friendly yoga poses for chakra meditations
    • Enhance your meditations with the power of crystals
    • Enjoy the health benefits of chakra healing
    • And much more!

    As you gain experience, you may invest in some crystals and essential oils to enhance your meditations, but all you need to get started is this book and a quiet spot. Just sneak a short meditation into your schedule: just five minutes will make a difference in the long term. 

    It's time to make your first step towards healing.

    Scroll up, click the "Buy Now" button and get your copy now!

    ©2020 Olivia Stones (P)2020 Olivia Stones

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