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  • Guide to Healing the Human Biofield through Integrative Medicine and Health

  • De : Erin Hanson
  • Lu par : V L Cole
  • Durée : 4 h et 27 min

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Guide to Healing the Human Biofield through Integrative Medicine and Health

De : Erin Hanson
Lu par : V L Cole
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    Think alternative medicine is merely silly pseudo-science? Think again.

    Are you interested in finding out about the “secret” power of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies? Are you tired of racking up medical bills with expensive tests that still can’t tell you what’s wrong? Do you want to regain full control of your health and well-being, without relying on the “doctor’s orders?”

    If you’ve been thinking about turning to integrative and functional medicine to help rid you of your health problems, you’re not alone. According to the CDC, 36 percent of the US adult population uses some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to help treat and prevent disease. And as more research provides scientific evidence of the effectiveness of CAM therapies, this number is likely to increase even more.

    For the longest while, society has framed integrative approaches to medicine like Reiki and acupuncture. Recent medical breakthroughs have revealed that there’s much more to ancient traditional medicine than made-up “folk remedies".... And by hearing about these breakthroughs in this guide, you’ll find out how these long-forgotten whole medical systems may in fact be the key to restoring balance to modern medicine. So you can confidently step into the world of complementary medicine and put your health back into your own hands.

    ©2023 Derrick Vializ (P)2023 Derrick Vializ

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