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Couverture de Guarded by the Black Bear

Guarded by the Black Bear

De : Luna Wider
Lu par : Jessie Elwyn, Ethan Gray
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    It was just supposed to be for one night...


    I’ve sworn off men.
    Or I guess I should say that I’ve vowed to never get tangled up with a man.
    I’ve seen the way that they can hurt the women that they claim to love, and I want no part of it. I’ve never been tempted to break that vow.
    Until Ransom moves to town.
    When I give in to my feelings for him, it’s only supposed to be for one night.
    Everything is going according to plan.
    Until I get the surprise of my life and find out that I’m pregnant.
    Now I need to figure out how to tell my one-night stand that I’m having his baby.

    Ruby is meant to be mine.
    Everyone in this small town knows it, too.
    Everyone except Ruby, that is.
    When we finally connect, I think maybe she’s realized we’re meant to be, too.
    Until I wake up the next morning to her long gone.
    Now she’s trying to pretend like nothing happened between us, but I’m not going to let that happen.
    I’m going to show her that I want her for more than one night.
    I want her forever.

    Welcome to the Aspen Ridge Pack: Mountain Rescue!
    These ex-military shifters are about to meet their fated mates. They'll need to fight to keep them though.

    ©2024 Luna Wilder (P)2024 Luna Wilder

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