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  • Growing Lavender for Profit

  • The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Lavender Business
  • De : Aaron Martinez
  • Lu par : Eric Shipley
  • Durée : 3 h et 32 min

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Growing Lavender for Profit

De : Aaron Martinez
Lu par : Eric Shipley
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    Turning your gardening passion into a prolific business doesn’t have to be rocket science. We’ll teach you everything about how to grow lavender for profit. If you decided to turn your gardening passion, congratulations! Lavender is the best place to start. While the plant thanks you with its alluring fragrance for nurturing it, it is virtually every industry’s favorite, making it one of the most profitable plants to grow. This lovely member of the mint family will make itself desirable fresh or dried, in soap, incense, or potpourri. While it is a fairly simple task to grow lavender, you do need to get the basics straight, and then build on it as your business thrives and as your garden blooms in purple.

    We have decided to teach everything about lavender, from its history to benefits, and growing rules. Once you know everything about how lavender is used, you can contact multiple niches in a variety of industries and offer them your high-quality product. This rich plant will charm you with its scent and color, but its medical and therapeutic purposes aren’t newly discovered. You will only be happy you chose this audiobook to cultivate lavender and follow our tips and tricks to flourish your business as well as your garden.

    This audio book will:

    • Teach you everything about lavender’s beneficial habits
    • Guide you to successfully taking care of it and cultivating it
    • Give you priceless tips and advice on how to sell your lavender for profit
    • We have made growing and selling lavender for profit easy for you

    This compressed guide is ready to help you turn your daydreams into action. If you’re ready to start living your dream life as a gardener and entrepreneur...get your audiobook now.

    ©2021 Aaron Martinez (P)2022 Aaron Martinez

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