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Couverture de Grey Hunter

Grey Hunter

De : William King
Lu par : Phillip Sacramento
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    Book 3 of the Space Wolf Series

    Ragnar and the Space Wolves are despatched to the sacred world of Garm following the theft of one of the Chapter's most sacred relics, the Spear of Russ. But the forces of Chaos are everywhere, and an ancient enemy lurks in the shadows.


    It's the tale of one of the defining events in the life of Ragnar Blackmane, and a thrilling continuation of the ten millennia-long battle between the Space Wolves and the Thousand Sons.


    Ragnar Blackmane is unique among the Space Wolves in ascending to the Wolf Guard without ever being a Grey Hunter. But how did he manage such a feat? The beginnings of that story are told here.

    When the Spear of Russ, an ancient relic of the Space Wolves once wielded by Leman Russ himself, is stolen, the Chapter seeks its return on the world of Garm. But when the forces of Chaos ambush them, the enraged Space Wolves learn that there is more to the attack than they could have guessed, for an ancient enemy of the Chapter is prophesied to be reborn.

    ©2023 Games Workshop Limited (P)2023 Games Workshop Limited

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