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Couverture de Greek Island Friendships

Greek Island Friendships

De : Ian Wilfred
Lu par : Mira Dovreni
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    Stelios realised he had made a huge mistake by keeping his family and friends separate, never letting them mix together, but now he was very poorly it was time to put things right. Lawyer Joanna Bouras has been given the task of handing over the keys to seven newly built apartments on the beautiful Greek island of Vekianos. What happens when Stelios' daughters Lena and Callisto meet for the first time and how will their aunt Fotini react to them arriving back on Vekianos?

    Patricia hadn't been on the island for 40 years; her life is in London and she isn't sure going back to the memories she left behind is a good thing. With the arrival of accountant Tassos, his son Jacob, and Stelios' godson Pavlos on Vekianos, life for Lena and Callisto is about to get complicated.

    ©2024 Ian Wilfred (P)2024 Oakhill

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