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Couverture de Greek God

Greek God

De : C. F. White
Lu par : Piers Ryman
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    Can a Greek God make Jesse believe in love again?

    Jesse's heartache is as vast as the Aegean Sea when his mother's sudden passing lures him back to the Greek island he swore never to return to. With bitterness festering over his mother's abandonment which spiraled his father out of control, Jesses unprepared for the emotional maelstrom awaiting him.

    Demetrios, the epitome of a Greek Adonis, still carries the scars of a teenage love affair that once set his small-island life ablaze. Bound to Naxos by duty and drowning his sorrow in fleeting dalliances with tourists, he's blindsided when Jesse, his stepbrother, returns for his mother's funeral.

    Jesse grapples with the pain of his mother's choices and Demetrios struggles with the weight of familial expectations. But with each passing moment of Jesses return, their undeniable chemistry reignites, challenging them to confront what happened before their romance crashed and burned.

    Sometimes, love arrives when its least expected. But is it too late for Jesse and Demetrios to embrace what they long denied themselves? Or will fear of heartbreak keep them anchored in their past?

    Greek God is a stepbrothers-to-lovers, hurt/comfort, second chance MM romance featuring a shy and awkward illustrator who doesn't believe in love and an enigmatic playboy oozing romance.

    ©2024 C F White (P)2024 C F White

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