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Couverture de Greater than a Tourist: Cozumel Quintana Roo Mexico

Greater than a Tourist: Cozumel Quintana Roo Mexico

De : Bel Woodhouse, Greater than a Tourist
Lu par : David Angelo
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    With travel tips and culture in our guidebooks written by a local, it is never too late to visit Cozumel. Greater than a Tourist: Cozumel Quintana Roo Mexico, by author Bel Woodhouse, offers firsthand and personal insight into the best ways to visit Mexico’s largest island and crowing jewel of the Riviera Maya region.

    Most travel books tell you how to travel like a tourist. Although there is nothing wrong with that, as part of the Greater than a Tourist series, this book will give you candid travel tips from someone who has lived at your next travel destination. This guide book will not tell you exact addresses or store hours but instead gives you knowledge that you may not find in other smaller travel guides.

    Experience cultural, culinary delights, and attractions with the guidance of a local. Slow down, and get to know the people with this invaluable guide. By the time you finish this book, you will be eager and prepared to discover new activities at your next travel destination.

    Inside this travel guide book you will find:

    • Visitor information from a local
    • Tour ideas and inspiration
    • Valuable guidebook information

    Slow down, stay in one place, and get to know the people and culture. By the time you finish this book, you will be eager and prepared to travel to your next destination.

    ©2023 CZYK Publishing (P)2023 CZYK Publishing

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