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Couverture de Great Water

Great Water

De : David Pompeani
Lu par : Charlie Brogan
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    Imagine a history so profound, it reshapes everything we thought we knew about the origins of civilization. Great Water reveals a new narrative that turns the spotlight away from ancient Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, and southeast Asia, directing it instead towards the Great Lakes region of North America, where evidence suggests that metal technology first emerged around 10,000 years ago.

    This story follows an unexpected journey into the heart of prehistoric North America, where ancient copper mines around Lake Superior bear silent witness to a long-lost history of indigenous metal use. For over a century, the origins of these mines and the people who created them have remained shrouded in mystery.

    Against a backdrop of popular myths and academic debates, Great Water offers a groundbreaking perspective based on recent scientific breakthroughs and rigorous research. The narrative debunks the sensational claims of Old World explorers mining North American copper and dispels the notion of so-called "missing" artifacts, instead highlighting the thousands of copper tools and ornaments found around Lake Superior, which are still being discovered today.

    Through the eyes of three ancient miners on Isle Royale, this book transports listeners thousands of years into the past, presenting a vivid account of the indigenous people's remarkable journey across frigid waters to mine copper. These endeavors, unmatched in scale until the late 19th century, are a testament to their ingenuity, perseverance, and deep connection to the land.

    Great Water is not just a story about the past; it's an invitation to reconsider the narratives we've been told about the history of human technology and achievement. As it peels back the layers of time to reveal the true scale and sophistication of the ancient copper mining industry around Lake Superior, it challenges the academic void and speculative theories with a narrative enriched by archaeological, historical, and geological evidence.

    Prepare to embark on a journey across Great Water, into the depths of North America's indigenous history, and discover a past that is as intriguing as it is enlightening. This is a story that promises not only to unveil the ancient mysteries of copper mining but also to inspire a newfound appreciation for the complexity and capability of the societies that stood long before us.

    ©2024 David Pompeani (P)2024 David Pompeani
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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