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Couverture de Great Loop Cruising

Great Loop Cruising

De : Katie Hamilton, Gene Hamilton
Lu par : Joyce Porter
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    The lock and canal systems of the U.S. and Canada designed for commercial vessels allows boat owners to cruise their boat in a continuous waterway around eastern North America that includes the Atlantic and Gulf Intracoastal waterways, the Erie and Canadian Heritage Canals, the Great Lakes, and inland rivers.

    The 5,000+ mile route of the Loop Cruise follows historic seaport towns, natural wilderness, and coastal fishing communities on a navigable protected waterway that make it an adventure of a lifetime for boaters who dream of seeing the United States and Canada from the helm of their own boat.

    We were lucky enough to make this journey on our 36-foot trawler, High Life, and chronicled our voyage. We hope you'll join us in this audiobook where we share what we saw, what we learned navigating the diverse conditions, and introduce you to cruisers, also doing the Loop, who we met along the way.

    ©2012 Perfect Partnership Inc (P)2014 Perfect Partnership Inc

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