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Couverture de Gravenwood


De : Margie Benedict
Lu par : Charlie Sanderson
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    (Previously published as Gravenwood, Book Two of The Conjurer Fellstone Trilogy, by Marjory Kaptanoglu)

    Tessa (the shapeshifter), Ash (the swordsman), and Calder (the trickster) reunite for a potentially deadly new adventure in Book Two of the award-winning Thieves of Magic series that began with Dreadmarrow and ends with Kingshackle.

    Desperate to cure her mother of the delusion that she’s a bird, Tessa appeals to the conjurer lord in neighboring Blackgrove. Everything goes wrong, however, when he takes Calder hostage and refuses to help until Tessa and Ash bring him the Gravenwood. They set out to steal this magical tablet while romance blossoms between them.

    But none of them may survive the treachery of the rising despot — unless Tessa can conquer her inner doubts and unlock the secret to becoming a true conjurer.

    Click to purchase Gravenwood—book two of The Thieves of Magic Trilogy—and continue the bone-tingling adventure today."

    ©2019 Marjory Kaptanoglu (P)2020 Marjory Kaptanoglu


    “Grounded, likable characters with complex emotions anchor this excellent series installment.” -Kirkus Reviews

    “Full-bodied, engrossing, and hard to put down." -Midwest Book Review

    “(Benedict) plots shrewdly, nesting quests within quests and mysteries within mysteries, keeping the story exciting while still finding time to lay bare the hearts of her heroes. She's especially good at setting up puzzles whose solutions, once sprung on the readers, prove delightful.” -The BookLife Prize

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