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De : John Mosier
Lu par : Brian Emerson
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In this newest addition to the Great Generals Series, John Mosier brings to life the brilliant military strategist Ulysses S. Grant. A modest and unassuming man, Grant never lost a battle, leading the Union to victory over the Confederacy during the Civil War, ultimately becoming president of the reunited states. Grant revolutionized military warfare by creating new leadership strategies and by integrating new technologies in classical military strategy.

In this compelling biography, Mosier reveals the man behind the military legend, showing how Grant's creativity and genius off the battlefield shaped him into one of our nation's greatest military leaders.

©2006 John Mosier (P)2006 Blackstone Audio Inc.
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    "Mosier has written the best appraisal of Grant's generalship ever to appear....Mosier has gone farther than anyone in proclaiming Grant to have been a military genius, one who in a number of ways surpassed both Napoleon and Wellington." (Charles Bracelen Flood, author of Grant and Sherman and Lee: The Last Years)
    "A solid description of the most effective Union general. Grant has been consistently underestimated and Mosier helps correct that." (Newt Gingrich)

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