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  • Graham Park

  • A Twisted Timbers Thriller (Twisted Timbers Series, Volume 1)
  • De : Kevin M. Moehring
  • Lu par : Mark Sando
  • Durée : 4 h et 42 min

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Couverture de Graham Park

Graham Park

De : Kevin M. Moehring
Lu par : Mark Sando
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    Located among the rolling hills and forests of Oregon, Twisted Timbers is normally a quiet place. The serenity of the area, along with the amazing views and endless hiking trails, has made the town a popular tourist destination for years. People come from all over the Pacific Northwest to marvel at the natural beauty of the area. 

    For the last three years, Mitch Thompson has been working with his father, Bill, the town sheriff. While preparing the town for the upcoming tourist season, Mitch drives past Graham Park and sees that the iconic Ferris Wheel is lit up and spinning. With the amusement park still weeks away from welcoming guests, Mitch knows something strange is happening in his town. 

    With the help of Fred Donovan and Stuart Johnson, his fellow officers, Mitch must investigate any strange happenings that are going on inside of Graham Park. When they quickly realize that six trained assassins have gathered and turned the park into their own personal murderous playground, the mood of the night turns much more intense. These trained killers have come to Twisted Timbers with one goal in mind: to make money by killing each other. 

    Is the inexperienced team of officers brave enough to put a stop to anything out of the ordinary that is happening at the park? Will the Twisted Timbers police force have what it takes to make it out alive? 

    Graham Park is a thrill ride from start to finish with enough twists along the way to have you wondering what is going to happen next.

    ©2018 Kevin M. Moehring (P)2019 Kevin M. Moehring

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