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Couverture de Grace


De : Dan Burns
Lu par : Mark Bramhall
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    “We’re all flawed and confronted daily with sometimes slight but often apparently insurmountable challenges. But if we dig deep, what we unearth from the depths of our souls, if we’re lucky, can allow us to overcome and carry on to live another day with an untortured heart.”

    This is the sentiment Dan Burns explores in his exciting new collection. Five stories and a novella highlight Burns’s range as a storyteller and his ability to see life and all its emotions through a unique lens. This collection features his most personal and insightful stories to date. 

    "Redemption" - In a quiet Montana town, an aging writer and his nephew are forced to weave the past and the present into a future of more significant meaning. 

    "The Plight of Maximus Octavius Reinhold" - In the new story featuring private investigator Sebastian Drake (from the novel A Fine Line), the local patrons of a rural Wisconsin town test Drake’s resolve as he stares into the barrel of a .44 Magnum revolver. 

    "Hardwired" - A dying man contemplates the end of his life while hoping to pass along a secret legacy to his family. 

    "Adrift at Sea" - To fuel his creative desires, a seabound journeyman leaves behind the anchor of distraction in pursuit of a natural world. 

    "The Final Countdown" - In the year 2110, the Earth struggles to survive, ravaged by overpopulation and greed. Food is scarce, and the youth-run government has no choice but to implement a plan devised decades earlier: deport the elderly population to a remote outpost - on the moon. 

    Grace: A Novella - A story of impaired love, betrayal, and redemption as realized by characters who experience life through the perception of liquor-bottle glasses. Life is never what it seems. Everyone has secrets. The question is whether the skeleton key of alcohol will open the closet door and let out the hidden truths. 

    The collection includes notes about the thoughts, ideas, and inspiration behind the stories, offering an exclusive behind-the-scenes perspective of the author’s writing process.

    ©2019 Dan Burns (P)2019 Dan Burns

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