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Couverture de Good Girl

Good Girl

De : Anna Fitzpatrick
Lu par : Mich Anger
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    Lucy tries so hard to be good. She was always a good student, tries to be a good friend, a good citizen, a good feminist, and now she wants a lover who will give her a good beating, preferably after tying her up.

    Dating swings from the sublime to the humiliating, but then Lucy hooks up with someone who challenges her to pursue the writing career she has been letting idle. When she discovers a teen magazine from the 1970s, it sparks her imagination and her life finally seems to come into focus; but as she learns more about how women were treated behind the scenes, she has to decide what to do. How to be true to herself, as chaotic as she believes herself to be; how to be good to those around her; how to survive as a young woman in the still messy media culture of 2015.

    Surprising, sexy, and hilarious, Good Girl is a thoughtful and endearing portrait of a young woman unsure of what she’s supposed to want from a world where the rules keep changing.

    ©2022 Anna Fitzpatrick (P)2022 Bespeak Audio Editions


    Good Girl lures you in with its excellent sex scenes, but it seals the deal with its authentic portrait of what it feels like to be a young woman in the world. Sex, friendship, family, work—who knows what to make of any of it? Anna Fitzpatrick's debut is both funny and titillating, and, like so few early sexual encounters, totally satisfying.”—Emma Straub, author of All Adults Here and Modern Lovers

    Good Girl is a brilliant debut—sharp, funny, sexy, and unnerving in the best way. Unsentimental but achingly real. Fitzpatrick is a daring new writer to watch.”—Zoe Whittall, author of The Spectacular and The Best Kind of People

    “On feminism, loneliness, and the question of kink, Anna Fitzpatrick bluntly probes the contradictions of sex-positive culture, baring the many ways that shame feeds arousal. Good Girl is a sensitive girl's hardcore.”—Tamara Faith Berger, author of Queen Solomon

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