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Couverture de Golden Rule Relationships

Golden Rule Relationships

De : Zig Ziglar, Tom Ziglar - contributor
Lu par : Zig Ziglar, Tom Ziglar
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    If you are hitting a relationship rough patch, it can be difficult to move forward. Sometimes people in relationships feel like all they are doing is focusing on the troubles in life - but for good reason. The thing is, relationships are oftentimes what complete people's lives. Therefore, when a relationship is hitting a rough patch, it can be quite difficult to think of anything else.

    Zig Ziglar speaks about the importance of relationships in his recording Golden Rule Relationships and provides valuable insight for anybody in any relationship, from romantic to platonic. For anybody experiencing rough patches in their relationships, this classic Zig Ziglar recording will be instrumental in helping to discover how you can go about sewing up the holes that may have begun to appear in your relationships.

    Here's some of what you'll learn:

    • Why you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want
    • Why mutually beneficial relationships are the most long-lasting relationships
    • The importance of treating people with respect, even honor
    • The importance of giving total emotional involvement to the people you are in relationships with
    • Why you've got to be before you can do, and you've got to do before you can have
    • Why it takes effort, commitment, and a leap of faith for any relationship to flourish

    ©2015 Ziglar, Inc. (P)2015 Gildan Media LLC

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