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Couverture de Going to the Wars

Going to the Wars

De : Max Hastings
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    'A superb account of journalists, soldiers and the experience of modern battle, written by one of the greatest war reporters of our time' – Robert Harris, author of An Officer and a Spy

    ‘Gripping and compulsively readable’ – Saul David, Sunday Telegraph

    Max Hastings grew up with romantic dreams of a life amongst warriors. But after a painful false start with the Parachute Regiment, he became a journalist instead. Going to the Wars is his vivid, insightful account of his years as a foreign correspondent.

    His first taste of danger came at the start of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, followed by the Biafra and Vietnam Wars. He left Saigon by the last helicopter out of the American Embassy as the Cambodian city fell to the Khmer Rouge, masqueraded as a game hunter to seek out the secrets of the Rhodesian civil war and was almost shot by marauding Turkish soldiers during the invasion of Cyprus. His greatest moment came during the Falklands War, when he walked alone into Port Stanley, ahead of the British landing force, in determined pursuit of a scoop.

    'His memoirs have . . . honesty, pace and readability' – Jeremy Paxman

    ©2012 Max Hastings (P)2024 Macmillan Publishers International Limited

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